
prison break

裡面飾演Michael ScofieldWENTWORTH MILLER 超帥的啦

現在只有播出prison break season1 and season2
期待prison break season3~prison in 快出來^^


Born in the United Kingdom, raised in Brooklyn, New York, and a graduate of Princeton University, Wentworth Miller is a compelling and critically acclaimed young actor whose credits span both television and feature film. 
wentworth miller出生於英國,在紐約布魯克林長大,畢業於普林斯頓大學,他是一位在電視劇及電影上令人注目及讚賞的年輕演員。

Miller began his career in the industry on the other side of the camera. After graduating from college with a degree in English literature, Miller headed to Los Angeles in the spring of 1995 to work in the development department of a small  company specializing in movies made for television. However, it wasn't long before Miller's desire to realize the acting ambitions of his childhood became undeniable.
Miller的職業在電影產業的其它部份。自大學的英國文學畢業,Miller 在1995春天開始在Los Angeles一個小的電影製片公司發展部門工作專門製作電視劇。

Within the next few years, Miller landed guest spots on a variety of shows, including “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “ER” and “Popular.” Miller also starred in the Hallmark "mega-series" “Dinotopia.”
在之後的幾年,Miller開始參與各式演出,包括了"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"(魔法奇兵)、"ER"(急診室的春天)、"Popular"。Miller 也開始在"mega-series" (風雲歲月)、“Dinotopia.”(恐龍帝國)裡擔任主角。

Miller then segued to “The Human Stain,” a feature film directed by Robert Benton and starring Sir Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. A movie examining questions of race, class and identity, it featured Hopkins as an embattled college professor struggling to conceal an incredible secret, with Miller playing the professor as a young man. 
之後Miller在“The Human Stain,”(人性污點)演出,由Robert Benton (羅柏班頓)製片和主角是Anthony Hopkins (安東尼霍普金斯)和Nicole Kidman(妮可基嫚)。一部敘述人生歷程、階級及個性等問題的電影,描述Hopkins是一個學院的教授奮鬥隱瞞一個難以置信的秘密,由Miller飾演年輕時的教授。

Miller subsequently appeared in the movie “Underworld” and guest-starred on “Joan of Arcadia” and “Ghost Whisperer” before joining the cast of PRISON BREAK, for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama in 2006.
Miller隨後在電影“Underworld”(決戰異世界2)演出,在加入"prison break"(越獄風雲)前,在“Joan of Arcadia”(天國的女兒)和“Ghost Whisperer”(鬼語者)擔任主角。在2006年他在Golden Globe (金球獎)在一系列的電視節目中被提名為最佳演員。


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